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Dragon's Dogma Wiki

Weapon Pile is an environmental object found in Dragon's Dogma.
Also known as Armor Piles.


A Weapon or Armor Pile contains items which may be obtained by use of the "Gather" command.

Generally these piles contain objects associated with the burial of warrior such as Rusted Weapons, skulls, or a Royal Banner - in some locations a pile can contain rarer items, such as a Favored Flower staff, or Bronze Sallet helmet; in the post-Dragon Everfall even items such as the Cyclops Sigil have been found. Piles also may yield more mundane items such as a Flask of Oil.

Such piles are found all over Gransys, often by the side of roads.

In a few cases gathering from such burials gives different results by night - examples include one above the Nameless Falls (Rusted Magick Shield by night, but mostly Shackles by day); as well as some piles along the path in the Witchwood.


  • Like other Gather spots Weapon/Armor Pile gather spots usually slightly glow when the have loot within.
  • There are also Weapon & Armor Piles that never contain any loot - these can be distinguished as they are heavily covered with rust; often they are single swords, without any armor piled around.

See also[]
