Dragon's Dogma Wiki

Northface Forest is a location in Dragon's Dogma.


I nearly died at the claws and fangs of the vicious direwolves that inhabit the Northface Forest. I had set up camp in the forest after losing my way in the midst of a fierce storm. If I had known exactly where I was, I never would have stopped moving. The direwolves attacked in the middle of the night. A flaming torch was enough to keep them at bay while I ran for my life, but not before one of the beasts had sunk its fangs into my right arm. The wound took months to heal. And while my experience was harrowing, I remain thankful that I was at least able to avoid the horrible snow harpies.
Aldous, Chamberlain to the Duke[1]

A region to the north of Windbluff Tower, stretching north from the Deos Hills including Hillfigure Knoll, continuing north as far as the Blighted Manse. Much of the region is wooded with coniferous trees.

The area is primarily home to Snow Harpies and Direwolves, and at night, Undead Warriors will spawn. A Griffin sometimes stalks the area around the Knoll, and a Chimera may be found near the boundary with the Deos Hills. The main road north of Windbluff Tower is often blocked by a Cyclops.

There is a bandit camp at the Abandoned Campsite. South of the camp Bandits often lay an ambush on the road leading past the cliffs north of Windbluff Tower.

The northern extremity of the area also includes the Windworn Valley and the rest camp known as Travelers' Rest. In the far northern part there are the The Blighted Manse and its 'Rear Entrance' located, the area around the latter is home to a Chimera. At the far northern point is a Healing Spring.


For items within the Dragonforged's cave, see Hillfigure Knoll.

Many of the trees contain nests, flora includes Wintry Herb, as well as Destiny Grass, White Orchids and other common herbs, and Apples are common in more open areas.

Some Ore deposits on the western edge may give fairly valuable ores, including Fuligin Ore, otherwise the area is sparsely populated with little man-made materials or activity, except a few white stone Sarcophagi that oft contain items of quality.

Note chest loot lists may be incomplete. Minor items from weapon piles not listed.
Northface chests
Chest Loot Chest Loot
1 Mounted Pale, Brigandine Jerkin, Iron Bracers

A sarcophagus just north may contain a Seeker's Token

2 Salomet's Secret, Tagilus's Miracle, Steel Nut Salve, Decoction of Bandlily, Large Coin Pouch
3 Argence, Spicy Mushroom Tea, Large Coin Pouch

A nearby Weapon Pile on the hill here may contain a Crescending Roar or Large Coin Pouch

4 Interventive, White Wine, Large Coin Pouch
5 Bandit's Mask, Ring of Purpure 6 Frozen Tomorrow, Gossip's Mask, Guardian's Hood
7 Sobering Wine, Mushroom Potage, Large Coin Pouch 8 Jewel of Health, Jewel of Time, Coin Pouch, Large Coin Pouch, Seeker's Token
9 Harspud Sauce, Desiccated Herbs, Red Wine, White Wine 10 Vigilite, Peppermint Seed, Oak Leaf Oil, Large Coin Pouch
11 Jewel of Health, Jewel of Time, Coin Pouch, Large Coin Pouch, Seeker's Token

A Weapon Pile southwest, by the road may yield: Iron Shield, Rusted Bow

12 Vigilite, Peppermint Seed, Oak Leaf Oil, Large Coin Pouch

A nearby Weapon Pile may yield : Snagdaggers, Rusted Daggers, Rusted Shield

13 Salomet's Secret, Tagilus's Miracle, Steel Nut Salve, Decoction of Bandlily, Large Coin Pouch 14 Blast Arrow, Silencer Arrow, Sleeper Arrow, Throwblast, Dragon's Spit, Coin Pouch
15 Harspud Sauce, Desiccated Herbs, Red Wine, White Wine 16 Frozen Tomorrow, Bespoke Longbow, Giant Coin Pouch
17 Jewel of Health, Vigor Extract, Serenity Extract, Large Coin Pouch, Giant Coin Pouch 18 (to west of entrance behind stones)

Jewel of Health, Jewel of Time, Coin Pouch, Large Coin Pouch, Seeker's Token

19 Harspud Sauce, Desiccated Herbs, Red Wine, White Wine 20 Jewel of Darkness, Jewel of Silence, Jewel of Time,

Large Coin Pouch, Giant Coin Pouch

 A Weapon Pile on a rock formation to the south and uphill may yield : Light Outfit, Rusted Bow, Rusted Spellbow

21 Vigilite, Peppermint Seed, Oak Leaf Oil, Large Coin Pouch 22 Harspud Milk, Dose of Courage, Dose of Strength, Enlistment Corps Banner

There are sarcophagi along the path to the Healing Spring - these can contain either Flutter Padding, Veteran's Periapt, or a Snakeskin Purse.

A further three may be found north and northwest of the cave at Hillfigure Knoll:


Hillfigure Knoll is the location of several main quest events - including The Cypher, the beginning part of the The Final Battle, and The Dragon's Tongue.

There are several monster hunting quests, including Dire Straits, and A Dire Need (Direwolves); An Airborne Plague, and Harpy Hunting (Snow Harpies); and Winged Reaver (Griffin).

Hillfigure Knoll and the Healing Spring are also the destination for several escort quests.



  1. Northface Forest (Capcom, Youtube)