Dragon's Dogma Wiki

Portcrystal is an item available in Dragon's Dogma.


"A marker to be placed anywhere one might wish to return; use of a ferrystone will transport you there in an instant. Traversal item."

Portcrystals are items that can be placed in the world and teleported to with a Ferrystone. Portcrystals can be picked up and set down whenever one wishes to relocate it - there are also permanent portcrystal rings - notably the one outside the Pawn Guild in Gran Soren.

Portcrystal Rings[]

Permanent Portcrystals

A permanent portcrystal installation

Permanent Portcrystal sites are found in a few key locations of Gransys - they consist of several darkened Portcrystal stones embedded in the ground forming a ring.

A permanent Portcrystal is located in Gran Soren next to the Pawn Guild in the Craftsman's Quarter.

In Dark Arisen Portcrystal Rings are found in two additional locations: one just outside of Cassardis and another at Bitterblack Isle Harbor.

Portable Portcrystals[]

Portable Portcrystals are heavy but carryable items that are self illuminated with a blueish light. They can be picked up and placed at any location in the open areas of Gransys, but cannot be placed anywhere on Bitterblack Isle, within the Witchwood, any underground location or any habited areas like Cassardis.

Port Crystal

More portable Portcrystals may be found in the following locations (once per playthrough) :

In New Game Plus these Portcrystals will respawn, allowing the Arisen to collect them again. Additional Portcrystals can also be purchased from Mountebank at the Black Cat in Gran Soren for 200,000 Gold.

All previously placed Portcrystals from previous playthroughs will remain where they are when any New Game Plus, Hard Mode, or Speed Run is started.

Only 10 portable Portcrystals can be placed around the world at any one time.


2 Star Enhancement

3 Star Enhancement


  • Portcrystals can be forged, but a Portcrystal Forgery does not have the transversal properties of a real Portcrystal (i.e. it doesn't work).
  • Portcrystals are the only placeable items in Dragon's Dogma,
  • Acts as a launching point for Leaping Stone
  • Portcrystals can be gifted to other players.
  • Portcrystal location order in the ferrystone fast-travel menu is tricky to change - in general to place a portcrystal at a specific number in the list one must :
    1. Pick up the existing portcrystal found at the position in the list
    2. Travel to the new location
    3. Place a portcrystal
    • When replacing the original portcrystal it will generally go at the end of the list, or, at the first available slot if portcrystals had previously been removed but not replaced


Portable portcrystals are object with the highest draw distance in the entire game and may be seen at any distance provided the line of sight is not obstructed.
