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Come to Court is a quest available in Dragon's Dogma.


"Your feats in the Wyrm Hunt have earned you an audience with Duke Edmun himself. Perhaps he will offer missions of greater merit."

Come to Court becomes available after completing two or more Wyrm Hunt Quests.



(7 ~ 0) Dragon's Dogma ~ Come to Court Hero Trophy Guide

Come to Court ~ Video Walkthrough

In order to begin, speak with Ser Maximilian in the Noble Quarter and choose to "Hear the duke's directive". The Wyrm Hunt License must be carried on the Arisen's person as proof of identity.


Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen Come to Court

Choosing to meet with the Duke means abandoning any uncompleted Wyrm Hunt Quests; ensure outstanding quests and tasks have been completed before accepting. Maximillian will retrieve the Wyrm Hunt License, and access to the Duke's Demesne will be granted.

Enter the Demense to progress the story.

Visit the Duke[]

Starting this quest makes the Duke's Demesne accessible for the first time. Pawns are not allowed inside the castle by order of the Duke. Feel free to explore the castle grounds and collect loot. As in the rest of Gran Soren, any illegal or antisocial behaviour will result in arrest.

Enter the castle's main keep through the front door to meet with the Duke. The jester Feste awaits within and will usher the Arisen into the 'Audience Chamber'.

Once inside, the Arisen will be received by the Duke, his royal guards and guests, including Mercedes and Julien. The Duke will knight the Arisen, after which they are free to leave, explore further, or speak to the guests.

The knights in the chamber are Ser Shakil, Ser Vitlay, Ser Tascan, Ser Brigante, Ser Viceroth, Ser Chandra, Ser Gammon, Ser Falken, and Ser Covan.

See to the Royal Orders[]

On exiting the castle keep by the main door, the Arisen's attention is drawn to someone in the gardens to the right - this is Aelinore. Speak to her to begin her questline. Caution! This is a one-off opportunity.

On nearing the exit gate of the Demense, the Arisen will be accosted by Aldous, who is introduced by Ser Alvert as the Duke's chamberlain. Aldous is charged with assigning the Royal Orders Quests by the Duke.

After this scene, Aelinore will have left the garden and the opportunity to speak to her is lost.

Quest Successful[]

The quest will complete after the cutscene with Aldous near the gate.


  • Come Courting will unlock after the cutscene of the Arisen's knighting.


  • The Dragonforged offers an escort quest only while Come to Court is still active, provided the Arisen's affinity with him is high enough.


Edmun Dragonsbane

"All through my reign, I foresaw the comming of this danger.

And so I gathered men into armies, stones into strongholds. I readied for war.

And then you, Arisen... You came to us, and the dragon with you.

Pray, think on the meaning of that, and on your duty."

"Carry on in your endeavors for the duchy, Arisen

As long as ypu've the will to fight, I shall see you are granted the opportunity."

Ser Shakil

"I cannot fathom His Grace's waste of coin on such festivity while our defenses stand bare. ...Just the same, I'll not refuse his wine."

Ser Covan

"Word of your feats has reached us here, ser,

You've the wyrm's own strength, to cleft the hydra's pate in one blow!

No doubt you'll prove more than equal to the dragon. I await tell of your next victory!"


"The sovereign of this land ill comprehends the urgency of the danger it faces.

This eve's empty pomp is ample proof. All gaiety, without a hint of real concern.

I'll allow, 'tis well understandable.

A people numbed by two generations of peace cannot be expected to know true resolve.

'Tis lesson taught by fire and sacrifice. Pray, let His Grace learn before the fire takes all.

...But I ought not speak in such bold terms before His Grace."


"Arisen... Hail, ser. It seems you truly stand apart from the rest of us.

Some sneered when I presented the hydra's head. Said it was your feat alone that won it.

In truth, I cannot deny it. I had no hand in it... 'Tis plain fact.

But what of the Enlistment Corps, then? What meaning does our fealty hold?

I have no answer to give my men... To give myself."

"Pray, leave me. I fear I will be well drunk by eve's end."


"...My, my. Apologies, dear warrior. But to see a face austere as the castle walls adorned with...this.

Still, 'tis more agreeable than the endlessly dour air of most of my husband's sworn swords.

Valor dwells in the heart, after all. The brave ought not need their raiment to speak for their mettle, no?"


"How fared your audience with His Grace, Arisen?

Aldous Ludric Sorn, at your service, ser. I serve as a chamberlain in the duke's court.

As you may have seen for yourself, it seems His Grace is unwell.

In truth, there is worry enough to make any man's head ache, but I fear he ails of worse than worry.

Perhaps I ought not speak futher on the matter, for my own wellbeing...

I am charged with assigning Royal Orders, tasks of great import issued by the duke himself.

Pray, forgive the bother, but I ask that you come see me here in the castle whenever circumstances allow you to take on assignment.

The future of this war is murky, ser. May your efforts help to bring its end into sight."


Come to Court
  • Edmun knights the Arisen with a Bastard Sword.
  • Of the soldiers or knights present at the Arisen's dubbing :
  • During their conversation, Aelinore will remove the Jester's Cap from the Arisen's head.
  • If the Arisen doesn't talk to Aelinore, the Jester's Cap will disappear automatically during the cutscene with Aldous near the gate.
    • The hat is also temporalily removed if one leaves the Demense before finishing the quest, but will reappear upon your return.


  • Completion this quest by night will result in the Arisen being transported outside the demesne.
Main Story Quests
The End at the Beginning  · Harbinger of Destruction  · Newly Arisen  · Upon a Pawn  · Call of the Arisen  · A Rude Awakening  · Off With Its Head  · A Matter of Myrmidons  · Lure of the Abyss  · The Cypher  · A Fortress Besieged  · Seeking Salvation · The Watergod's Altar  · Come to Court  · Griffin's Bane  · Trial and Tribulations  · Pride Before a Fall  · The Wyrmking's Ring  · Honor and Treachery  · Reward and Responsibility  · Deny Salvation  · The Final Battle
A Warm Welcome  · Fathom Deep  · Final Judgement  · The Great Hereafter