Dragon's Dogma Wiki
For walkthroughs, see Escort Quest Walkthroughs.
For a list, see List of Escort Quests.

Escort Quests are requests by people in Gransys to be escorted to certain locations. The quests are advertized at Notice Boards at the Union Inn in Gran Soren, or Pablos' Inn in Cassardis. Most characters escort quests start at the Union Inn, excluding those of people living in Cassardis. In the Post-Game, all escort quest start from Cassardis.


Completing an escort quest will significantly raise the companions affinity. Most escort quests are also rewarded by commonly obtainable items and potions, gold, experience, or occasionally clothing. A number of important minor characters give unique or rare Golden Weapons as rewards. Steffen, Clarus, Wilhem, Austine, Ser Berne, Mercedes, and Julien have unique rewards from their quests.


  • Escort Quests in Gran Soren for a specific person are generally only available during one of the 'Story Progression Stages' - they will not appear until that stage, and will disappear from the board when the next stage starts, if not completed first.
    • For some people of Cassardis the escort quest will generally appear at a certain stage, but can often remain on the board for much longer than those in the capital.
  • Escort quests generally require a character's affinity to be raised before they become available - noticeably high affinity with 'pink glowing', and 'chimes' is not needed.
    • If affinity gifts are given for a quest that will become available at a much later date it is advised to raise affinity more, since affinity is thought to decay.
    • Notice Boards aren't updated until the place is exited and re-entered. Sleeping does not seem to update the board.
  • Some quests cannot be obtained until New Game Plus as the questee is not met until after the quest would have been advertised in a first playthrough.
  • Only one escort quest can be active a time, and no other notice board quests can be started while it is ongoing.
    • Like other Notice Board Quests only six can be on the board at one time. The only way to clear the board and get more available quests is clear (or fail) available ones.
  • An accepted Escort Quest can be cancelled at any Notice Board. The quest will be reposted on the board straight away.


  • Escortees will not follow to Bitterblack Isle - however on returning from there they will rejoin the party.
  • Some characters have no escort quest - these include Ser Whitby and Ser Elthar who will not leave their post, and the knights at Duke Edmund's court who appear only briefly - such as Ser Brigante.
  • See also Notice Board Quests for general optional quests.

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